Paneer Recipe!!!- Gluten Free


  1. Whole milk - 1 gallon
  2. Plain vinegar-1/2 cup
  3. Few ice cubes
  4. Cheesecloth


  1. Boil the milk in a pan.Turn off the heat once it boils.
  2. Add vinegar to the milk while stirring it slowly. The milk will curdle.
  3. Add few ice cubes to bring the temperature down and stop the cooking process.
  4. Let the curdled milk cool a bit.
  5. Now put the cheese cloth on the colander and sift the paneer in the cheese cloth.
  6. Tightly tie the cheese cloth  and  run water on the cheese cloth so that excessive tartness of vinegar goes away. Apply pressure using some weight so that extra water is squeezed out.
  7. Let it rest for atleast 1 hour.
  8. Take out the paneer block from cheese cloth and cut cubes with sharp knife.
  9. Paneer is ready to use throughout the week.
  1. If you want to keep paneer more than a week, you must freeze it in ziploc bags according to your portion sizes you would need.
  2. You may also lighty fry the paneer cubes and freeze.
  3. Frozen paneer comes very handy when you have to entertain at a short notice.
  4. Sams club whole milk has always produced good paneer. I highly recommend it.
  5. You may make big batches of paneer  in advance and freeze them before a big party.


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